How To Define Your Personal Brand For Success | NatSchooler.Com 2/2

Nathaniel Schooler
11 min readJul 27, 2021

Building A Personal Brand Will Grow Your Success

No matter what walk of life you are from or what job you do, building your personal brand could enable you to build a better living and focus on a more rewarding life.

Trusting yourself and sharing your unique voice without being afraid to stand up and be counted is one of the best things I have ever done in my life and why I help others do the same.

You Have Invested In Learning Skills, Now Tell The World What They Are

Building my personal brand is one of the best investments I have ever made. At first, it was not easy. But, it gave me a sense of focus and a certain degree of professionalism expected in this competitive world.

No matter what industry you are in, you will find people who have worked at making their personal brands and expertise stand out; they will be using their brand to build whichever business they are working with.

Completely authentic people have built the most incredible personal brands throughout history. This is because they have defined clearly what they do, why they do it differently, and who they do it for. These are just some of the key elements in…



Nathaniel Schooler

Ex-IBM Futurist, Podcaster, Amazon Best Selling Author, and Entrepreneur