How To Get The Life You Want? In-Depth Guide 1/2 | NatSchooler.Com

Nathaniel Schooler
11 min readJul 22, 2021

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have a plan and know where they are going? They have their lives figured out — most likely except for one or two minor details.

Is there something different between these people who design the lives they desire and others who seem to be “aimlessly drifting” through without direction or purpose? And if so, what is it?

I believe that the answer lies in focusing on your goals and looking at your dreams, hopes, and plans for the next five years. Change your trajectory, even if it’s only step by step. So, if you don’t know where you would like to be tomorrow, then at least think about next week or next year — whatever seems feasible.

Are you ready to take the next step? If so, you must know what you desire, know how to get there and make the change.

How do you define the life you want?

Do you need to be in better health? Do you need more clients/customers? Do you need to earn more and have more power? Do you need to learn something new or develop a new skill set?

No matter your goals, there is one thing in common: they all require some change. It would help if you stopped doing what’s not working for you and start doing something to bring the results you desire. We’re talking about taking steps into the unknown, which requires courage, good successful relationships, self-discipline and focus.



Nathaniel Schooler

Ex-IBM Futurist, Podcaster, Amazon Best Selling Author, and Entrepreneur