The Ultimate Guide To Personal Branding | For Leaders 1/2

Nathaniel Schooler
7 min readJul 20, 2021

Having no real plan of direction gives you very little chance of achieving a positive outcome for your life and business.

  1. Start with research: when I ask people about themselves, they say “I don’t know” or “my friends, family & clients know me as…”

In my experience, this is never the case as everyone knows exactly who they are, but not many can articulate those thoughts into something recognised by others as value. So if you’re reading this article and haven’t put your personal branding strategy together, I would take the time to check out the resources included on the page.

Personal brands are becoming ubiquitous and are something that overzealous marketers seem to think are also experts in.

While maybe something they can and do offer as a service, most of them will not be able to show you any examples, as they have never worked with someone like you.

2) Now, list all the things you like about the people you have researched and what they say or do online that make you like them.

With this exercise, YOU get to decide what you will be like moving forwards and not what others want you to be like!

The best way is to begin to build a draft of your blueprint document; if you have no idea, start with…



Nathaniel Schooler

Ex-IBM Futurist, Podcaster, Amazon Best Selling Author, and Entrepreneur