The Ultimate Guide To Personal Branding | For Leaders 2/2

Nathaniel Schooler
10 min readJul 21, 2021

Check out some personal brand examples

Research — oftentimes, you will find that there are people who have been in your shoes and faced the same challenges. This research will help you identify key messages that are not only relevant to your target audience but an area where you can shine. It’s also important to network with others by exchanging ideas and social media posts.

Building your Brand Blueprint is the Most Important Task

Brand Blueprint Creation — A brand blueprint includes defining your values, what you stand for, what sets you apart from other companies or individuals, why people should care about what you do, and how it connects with your ideal audience. You want to be authentic and genuine and be careful not to be fake; if you write articles, then make sure you either write them yourself or brief your ghostwriter correctly as to your tone of voice etc.

Building Your Brand is a Huge Asset

You are the product and brand you are your marketing for selling that product. Your brand helps you reach more people with your message about giving them through your products and services.

Building a personal brand



Nathaniel Schooler

Ex-IBM Futurist, Podcaster, Amazon Best Selling Author, and Entrepreneur